Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The two animations viewed this week consisted of Billy Plymptom's The Fan and the Flower, and Adam Phillips Bitey Castle Animations.  Both of them portrayed the personalities and stories of characters in unique ways but without the characters really talking in any way.  In The Fan and the Flower, we see a story of forbidden love being played out by a fan and a flower who love each other but can never really touch.  We see the "personality" of the fan come through in the way it spins it's blades and the actions it does to attract the attention of the flower.  The flower we see portray the characteristics of a typical girl in a relationship, and is the only object in color in the whole animation perhaps to show beauty or differentiate herself from the other objects in black and white.  Although it looks like a simple animation it is able to give a lot of information about a story through color, narration, and shadows.
Adams Phillips Bitey Castle Animations are a lot more in depth with color and style, but still portray characters on the same level as the first animations.  We get a sense of the character Bitey who comes across as an instigator and somewhat of a teenage boy.  Although all the characters are fictitious, they all come alive in their own way and come together to create this amazing short story that looks almost real in a sense with the way light, color, and the details that are used.  Both are extremely interesting pieces showing the portrayal of characters and events that take place in very different ways.

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