Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Moon and the Son Animation

The animation viewed this week was created by John Canemaker, and was title The Moon and the Son.  It was a longer clip than most of the others viewed, and therefore, it presented alot of ideas as to how animation can really tell a story unlike a film with live action.  The whole animation was a documentary between John and his father, and he mixed together pictures and video of his real life with animation to develop this story of how he perceived his father throughout his entire life as a child.  The use of style in which he animated really helped understand the point of view that may not be able to be achieved using life action. For one example he made the images look as though they were drawn with crayon and not exactly in the lines, such a child would have made the images which helped to reiterate the idea that this is what John has seen as a child.  As the story progressed animation was used to deliver the literal meanings of metaphors and especially the color that was used.  Most scenes started out with warm colors and quickly changed to dark colors or reds to express this change of emotion.  The way in which he showed how animation can be used within someone's life to help them express their thoughts, along with this own techniques he used to deliver his own story made for a very effective and amazing final animation.

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