Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Alex Budowsky Animations

The two animations viewed this week were Bathtime in Clerkenwell (2003) and Last Time in Clerkenwell (2007).  Both of them were very similar with just different storylines although there were both connected to one another.  They both revolved around this idea of birds in the cuckoo clock taking over London, and then by the end of the second animation bugs had taken them over in London.  Although the storyline was quite interesting there were many other aspects that actually made it fascinating.  The animations were done strictly in black and white but it was very effective, because there were so many things going on that colors would have made it look chaotic, but the simple black and white made it a little simpler.  The part that was most fascinating to me was the way in which the sounds and music were put with the animations.  The animations were synched so well with the beats and rhythms that it really made the animation.  From a flash perspective you could tell how he used plenty of nested loops and had control over all the various movements of each part, and it all just came together incredible well in both animations.

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